Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Positioning Tempra Amongst OTC Drops for Infant

In a marketing class a few days ago, we were having the STP theme as the heart of marketing practice, as mentioned in the program syllabus. The STP itself stands for Segmenting, Targeting, and Positioning. We were given so many OTC (Over The Counter) drugs from some categories, of all pharmaceutical companies inside and outside the country. In a group of eight, we chose one product, and obliged to mention, narrate, explain and argue the STP factor in it. Our group chose Tempra Drops, a pain and fever medication for infant aged 0 to 1. To make it even clearer, we put Panadol drops, also of the same category, and also for infant, in order to compare the distinctive differentiation, plus and minuses of our chosen product, start from the box design, packaging, dosage, ingredients, pharma company, flavour, price (Tempra Drops was IDR 34100, and Panadol Drops was IDR 24900), doctor advise, and the buyer itself. And here are our conclusion:
For mothers whose children aged 0 to 1 year old is having a fever, Tempra Drops is a great pain and fever relieving, after immunization fever, that contains paracetamol, alcohol free, hygienic, unbreakable plastic bottle, embedded with child-lock protection, safety drops with exact dosage: 1 ml per drop.
Another fun fact why Tempra and other categories of Tempra from this Bristol Myers Squibb so popular amongst those who understand and those who loves their kids is that Tempra previously prescribed medication. And the sales reached its quadruple times since it was no longer prescribed by doctor. In other words say, Tempra enjoyed its victory since it was advertised in media and became OTC drugs.